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Always Challenge Yourself

I’ve landed all my clients, and made all my hires, without meeting anyone in person. That’s why most people, when they do eventually meet me in person, are surprised by my height, which is 5’7”. They are more surprised to learn that I managed to play football in high school, AND that I even got to start as a defensive lineman in a few games.

Sports in general will teach you a lot of important lessons: competitiveness, sportsmanship, discipline, hard work and getting better while pushing others to be their best as well. It also taught me to take on the tough challenges, to realize my limits are further than I, or other people, might realize, and that you never know how far you can go until you push yourself to that limit.

That was my mindset when I got into recruiting. That’s how I decided to step out on my own to create ELI Recruiting. Personally, I have taken on some major challenges head-on: jobs that were not filled for 6, 12, or even 24 months, jobs in locations no one wants to relocate to, a project to hire 2000 engineers in Costa Rica in 1 year, a project for a client trying to hire 5 laser engineers before EOY where they had only hired 1 by October (and we made it), and more than I can mention in my 15 year career so far. Now at ELI Recruiting, I hired and trained a team that shares my philosophy that taking on challenging jobs is the best way to grow and stay sharp.

We want to partner with companies that need help. Companies that are facing challenges in hiring. We want to sign up for and take on the tough to fill roles – the one that requires that hot technology that’s in demand, the one that’s been open for over 6 months, the one you struggled to fill the last time. We’d like to help you meet your goal of doubling your Software Development team this year, or to hire your VP of Engineering. We want to help make your team better – we’re here to take on the challenge.

If you’re not putting yourself in a position to be challenged, you’re missing out on an opportunity to grow.

As you get ready for the last few months of the year and try to end it on a high note, let me ask you: How are you challenging yourself and your team? How are you planning on tackling those challenges and using them to grow?


Founder & Recruiter

About ELI

We are Recruiters that take enormous pride in what we do. That means getting the right candidate the first time, taking care of our client and the “candidate experience”.


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